Gordy Grundy had waited many years to debut in the new century.
He's a Man of the Future.





Actress NINON APREA, radical activist-lobbyist for the Screen Actors Guild, finds the pulse of the Circle G.





The great talent of minimalists CAROL KAUFMAN on the left and MARIE RAFALKO on the right, makes this boy feel ever so slight. (Kaufman's work can be found at the Kiyo Higashi Gallery and Rafalko is represented by Susanne Vielmetter LA Projects. Both galleries are in Los Angeles.)


painter STEVE HURD and the ARTIST
share many passions.




Wine heiress and crime lord DANA MYERSON has always been a source of amazement and inspiration.






Oh. yeah. And some paintings too.

Congratulations to new collectors JOY FERRARA and RICH ZAJIC
who are the proud owners of this epic piece.


T-R-O-U-B-L-E: Left to right: Film promotion whiz kid STEVE MILLS, the ARTIST, MEAGAN JENNINGS fresh from South Afrikka, Hollywood and Highland's boy genius JACK ILLES, electrically inclined ROB FLEMING, real life rocket scientist CORY ALDER and actress LISA ALDER.


We like lots of those little red dots.



207 Gallerist TIM JACOBI (in red) and DIMITRI VORVOLAKOS (in red stripes) try to trade a painting for a per$onal check.




Security keeps a tight eye on decorator CHRISTY BUTERA
who is quick to recognize a work of true beauty.


Left to right: Supermodel KIM WHITTAKER, clothing exec KARIN GRUNDY, collector RICH ZAJIC, the ARTIST and TIM FORCUM also an LA artist, debate parking strategies. (Over eight cars were towed at the Opening.)





This awesome painting is available. CLICK on it to learn more.


Publicity executive HENRY ESCHELMAN shows artist LISA ADAMS (left)
and fellow press agent VICTORIA MILLER (right) how he keeps an eye on the ball.









This show stopper is now hanging on the wide wall of EZRHA JEAN BLACK, a collector with an impeccable sensibility.




Gallerist-Artist-Curator DIMITRI VORVOLAKOS blithely rambles on while TULSA KINNEY, Editor of the Coagula Art Journal, tries to make a quick getaway.






A loyal member of the Circle G.




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What is the Artist's Statement?


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Photographs by Ms. Dana Myerson and Rich Maya.



All contents c. Gordy Grundy